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Fundraiser Concert with the Harvard's Radcliffe Pitches Jazz Acapella (evening)

  • 20 Jan 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Piscator Saal, Ruhrstrasse 6, 10709 Berlin
  • 12


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Join us for a special treat: a New Year's concert with Harvard's oldest treble-voice a capella group - the Radcliffe Pitches - on their 50th Anniversary European tour. 

Event Timeline

6:00pm Door Opens, Social Time
6:30pm Concert begins
7:15pm Concert ends

7:15pm-8pm Drinks & Social Time

The event is a joint fundraiser for Girls Gearing Up, a one-week girls Leadership Academy and AWC Berlin's local charity 2025-2026 Donya Residence, temporary residence for teen girls, survivors of domestic violence, who need 24/7 support. 100% of net proceeds will go to the 2 charities.  

Entry is 15 euro, payable in cash at the door and wine and non-alcoholic drinks will be available for a small donation.

About the Radcliffe Pitches:

The Radcliffe Pitches, founded in 1975, are Harvard University’s oldest treble-voice a cappella group. This 50th anniversary European tour not only celebrates the Radcliffe Pitches’ legacy but also presents a unique opportunity to connect deeply with various communities across the world. Today they continue to uplift voices worldwide and champion the power of music to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds. They are so excited to be in Berlin on this momentous tour! If you want to learn more from the Pitches, you can find them on social media @RadcliffePitches or on their website www.pitches.org 

Location and Directions

Piscator Saal, Ruhrstrasse 6, 10709 Berlin 

U3 Konstanzer Strasse, U7 Fehrbelliner Platz, S-Ringbahn Hohenzollerndamm


Questions? Contact My-Linh at president.awcberlin@gmail.com.

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